National Association of Postmasters
of the United States

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The Only Organization Of Postmasters - By Postmasters - For Postmasters

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Through membership in the National Association of Postmasters (NAPUS), you gain access to many services and benefits. In addition, you join a fraternity of more than 40,000 other postmasters, officers-in-charge and retired postmasters. By networking with these fellow members, you can gain additional insight, ideas and assistance.

             8 Herbert Street              
                             Alexandria, VA 22305-2600                           

Telephone:   (703) 683-9027
Fax:              (703) 683-6820
   Hotline:          (703) 683-9038     
Any concerns or questions? Please    E-Mail:


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orngbtn.gif (205 bytes)WHAT'S HAPPENING GOVERNMENT RELATIONS orngbtn.gif (205 bytes)         CONVENTION           

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ltblbtn.gif (206 bytes)NAPUS OFFICERS ltblbtn.gif (206 bytes) purpbtn.gif (211 bytes)BACK HOMEpurpbtn.gif (211 bytes)
orngbtn.gif (205 bytes)POSTMASTERS FAIRNESS AND RIGHTS ACTorngbtn.gif (205 bytes)