The Intact Network:


Intact and uncircumcising men and women working together to protect our children through education, and to stop the genital mutilation of unconsenting infants and children. We recognize routine circumcision as genital mutilation, a violation of medical ethics, and a violation of the human rights of all unconsenting victims. We recognize the parallels between male and female genital mutilation and work to protect all children. We invite other intact men and women to join us in this effort.

We reach out to intact families, living in a mutilating society, to offer support and information to help keep their families genitally intact.

We recognize that those physicians who practice genital mutilation in the United States make up a very small percentage of the medical professionals. We honor those physicians who refuse to practice genital mutilation, and catagorize those who hurt our children as having the same symptoms as alcoholic parents, and in need of understanding and psychological help in recognizing their problems.

additional links:

We invite you to help share in this effort. For more information contact: Ken Derifield.

for more information mail: Aegis webmaster