The Opening Day
Parade and Ceremonies will take place Saturday, April 13, 2002, beginning promptly at 9:00
AM. Line-up and assembly for the parade will begin at 8:15 AM. All managers,
coaches, contact parents and players from all Little League teams should assemble at Keith
Avenue minors playing fields, located behind Chilcott Stadium Field. Parents are
requested to drop youngsters off at the Keith Avenue Fields and then park their car.
Please enter the parking lot from Panther Drive (off Oak Street). All parade
participants must arrive as close to 8:15 AM as possible to avoid last minute problems.
Directions to
Chilcott/Keith Fields
The parade route will leave the Paul
VI parking lot, enter Cedar Avenue, turn left onto McLean Avenue, turn left onto Lee
Highway, pass in front of McDonalds, turn left onto Oak Street, pass the school, and enter
the Chilcott Field.
Opening Day Ceremonies will be held
immediately following the conclusion of the parade.
Children should be dressed in full
uniform. NO CLEATS or GLOVES should be brought to the parade.
Each team is responsible for
creating and bringing a team banner to the parade
If the parade is canceled due to
poor weather conditions, please listen to AM630 (WMAL) radio station for an announcement
between 7:00 AM and 8:00 AM. If the parade is canceled, no rain date is scheduled.
Opening Day Booklets are distributed
after the parade. Save them for future reference. Please remember, local
businesses help support Fairfax Little League by sponsoring teams. Show your support
of our sponsors!