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  District 10


2002-2003  OFFICERS
Director of Registration/Scheduling Steve Hals





Spring Season

Late Registration for the 2002 Spring season will be held at on the following dates:

Date Time Locations
February 2 Saturday 10:00 to 1:00pm Bonnie Brae (Lobby)
Fairfax HS (Cafe)
February 6 Wednesday 6:30 to 9:00pm Pickett Road Fields (upstairs in boardroom)

Registration fees are $60 for T-Ball, $65 for "A" through Majors, $70 for Juniors and $25 for Challenger.  Baseball pants can be purchased for $7 at registration.  For additional information, messages regarding current registration can be found at the following number:  591-5341, press '1'.

Fall Season

Registration for the 2002 Fall season will be held on the following dates:



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Registration fees will be posted at a later date. For additional information, messages regarding current registration can be found at the following number:  591-5341, press '1'.

Level of Play

JUNIORS - Players compete on a 90 foot ball field. Teams are formed by a draft system. 
Majors/AAA/AA - Ages 9 – 12. Players are placed by a draft system. 
A (Single ‘A’) - Primarily, age 8. Neighborhood team. All players on the team bat in rotation. 
TBALL - Ages 5 – 7. All players on the team bat in rotation and play in the field. CHALLENGER - Ages 6 - 18 Provides youngsters with physical or mental disabilities the opportunity to play baseball.

Tournament Team Selection and Participation

Selection of all tournament team players is governed by Local Rule 15.  All 11 and 12 year old players on Major League teams, and all 9 and 10 year old players are eligible to be selected to the Little League tournament team and the 9-10 tournament team, respectively.  All 13 year old players are eligible for the Junior tournament teams.   Little League tournament team players are selected by a voting process conducted by the League Presidents.  9-10 tournament team players are selected after a multiple day try-out.  Prior to either tournament team being announced, the League President shall check with each nominee and ensure their availability to participate.

Tournament team members at all levels who miss twenty-five percent (25%) of practices before a scheduled game may be replaced at the discretion of the manager after obtaining approval of the Player Agent and League President.  Tournament team members who miss fifty percent (50%) or more of practices before a scheduled game shall be replaced.