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Umpiring Little League baseball games is a great way to have fun and help your community. Everybody knows the disappointment of showing up for a game only to discover that there are no umpires.  This is your invitation to help young athletes by training to become an umpire.

At the younger levels of play, parents do the umpiring.  If you’ve been serving the League as a parent umpire, maybe it’s time for you to step up to the plate by taking the training and volunteering to umpire Majors or Juniors games. Scheduling is flexible.  As little as one game per week makes a huge difference and is greatly appreciated by parents and players alike.  The Fairfax Baseball Officials Association supports adult umpires with a uniform and equipment stipend, advanced training, and tournament opportunities.

Teenagers and college students who complete training and umpire at the AAA, Majors, and Juniors levels are paid a fee for each game ranging from $12 to $33, depending on level of play, training and experience, and number of games worked during the season.

Umpire training begins on Thursday, February 21, in the Board Room at Thaiss Park (Pickett). There will be five class sessions on consecutive Thursdays.  Class will meet from 7:00 until 9:00 each evening and is taught by experienced adults with advanced training and tournament experience.  Bring a pencil and a notebook.  Outdoor training will take place from 9:00 to noon on Saturday, March 23, and during scrimmage games on Saturday, April 6, from 9:00 to noon.

There is no fee for umpire training.  Uniforms and equipment are provided.

The League has a special need for teenagers and adults to umpire Juniors baseball on full-size 90-foot fields. People who are interested in the greater challenge and higher fee of Juniors baseball should contact the Chief Umpire for Training.

Contact Herb Root, Chief Umpire for Training, if you have any questions:

Work, 8:00-5:00:   (703) 771-6448

Home, until 9:00:   (703) 503-5285

Email:          hroot@att.net  

See you on February 21!


www.umpire.org:  The Umpire's Resource Center of the ABUA

www.amateurumpire.com: Amateur Umpire Association

www.littleleague.org/news/umpires/umpire.htm: Test your knowledge!