Outreach / Education


Those who promote genital mutilation of infant males in the United States and young girls in central Africa also propagate the perception that those who have suffered because of their own genital mutilations are happy with their altered genitals. Slowly men in the United States are finding their voices, as are an increasing number of women of African origin, and they are beginning to speak out against this assault on their bodily integrity and human rights. They are not happy as a result of their genital mutilations. You are invited to read what they have written.

Intactivists from all walks of life!

As awareness of this issue has increased, men and women from across the United States and Canada have gathered together to speak out about this issue.

 Philadelphia. PA - home of Aegis Intactivist Group


An increasing number of physicians in the United States are beginning to take a stand against male genital mutilation. Recently a professional organization, Doctors Opposing Circumcision, was formed and was quickly joined by physicians in all fifty states. For more information about DOC , a link has been provided.

In 1986 NOCIRC was founded by health care professionals. Under the direction of Marilyn Milos, RN, this organization has worked to provide educational materials to expectant parents regarding the question of male genital mutilation. In addition, this organization provides information and support for men and women who have suffered because of circumcision. For more information about NOCIRCa link has been provided.

for more information mail: Aegis webmaster